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...we work diligently and zealously to represent our clients as we navigate them through the maze that is the legal process...
Antoon Law Firm, L.L.C. is based in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and provides a diversity of legal services to individuals and small businesses throughout the State. Antoon Law Firm, L.L.C. enjoys this diverse practice because we get to work one-on-one with people of all walks of life; the very people that make this community, and the state at large, a wonderful place to call home. Moreover, we diligently and zealously represent our clients as we navigate them through the maze that is the legal process. We humbly acknowledge that our existence depends on our clients and our ability to satisfy their needs. 

1111 Ryan St. Lake Charles, LA 70601
Alyson Vamvoras Antoon, Attorney at Law
Michael N. Antoon, Attorney at Law
Call: (337) 564-6919
Call: (337) 564-6919
licensed in the State of Louisiana